Friday, December 27, 2013


Here are a bunch of pictures of Elder Martin. 
Here they got the golden mop award for having a clean apartment, I believe. 

 He won the cleanest car award here or something.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 69

It was a good week, Even though I had on the back of my mind that it was my last! And that made me sad as can be, but yeah, still a pretty good week.

At one point I saw a pterodactyl! So that was a thing! Also saw a dude walking down the street be himself, holding a small puppy in his arms, and a pistol on his hip... I was a little worried..
Also had a odd run in with the Poopoo! We were tracting in this odd neighborhood.. And this random hippie looking dude starting talking and walking with us, and then a cop pulled up and had us all pull out our ID's... I was thinking about saying "NO! You have no reason to ask for that!" Cause I felt like he was just going on a power trip.. But then he had the hippie guy go and stand at the back of the car and pulled us aside and pretty much told us he was just talking to us as an excuse to call in the other guys ID, cause there were drug deals going on in that area, He said it looked suspicious that we were walking with him randomly, cause I guess is one of the main suspects.. haha, good times! 

Had my last DDM, so that was sad, it was a good one though.
That day we were looking for Less Actives, and just typing a few at one point we kinda ran out of LA's we had planned, so I had Elder Creger pull over so I could look a few up and put them in the GPS, there was one on N 2nd street, and I said I think this is kinda close to us.. So I put it in, and WE WERE ON N 2nd STREET! Whoa! Well that's cool, but there's more! The address was 300, I looked up and the first address I saw was 305, WE WERE REALLY CLOSE! I then looked behind us, And found that we were parked right across the street from this house! WHAT A SIGN! I thought! So of course we went right to the house! KNOCKED THE DOOR!!! AND!!!! Nothing... No one answered... What the heck!? Most anticlimactic moment of my life! SO LAME! 

That street that a cop stopped us on? we not far from that earlier that day we tracted into the first ever actually interested person I have ever tracted into! SO THAT WAS AWESOME! He has pretty much accepted everything we have had to say, so that's been great! I finally find a real investigator and its right before I LEAVE!! 

Friday night we went caroling with some members, that was a great time, while doing so we got transfer calls! I would now know where I was going! BUT NO!!! Pres told me they had not figured out how to punish me yet so They were not sure where to send me.. Ok, so that was not really what he said, but felt like it! 
He called again Saturday and told me I will be going to Stonewall, which, is RIGHT next to my old area in Shreveport, so that's odd... But I really got everything I wanted, its a good ward, and car area! so a nice brake for my knees! And I am being dropped, so I wont have to worry about being a DL anymore and just focuses on my own area! I am looking forward to that! ALSO! My DL Is Elder Anderson, whom was my second comp, WHOM I LOVE!!!

So yeah, that's some good stuff! Sunday we sang in the ward choir for a stake thing, it was horrible! haha, good times though! I also gave a talk in church, and that went mostly well, I told everyone to forgive! 

So LOVE!!!
Elder CamCam Martin!  

Week 68

HELLO!!! So yeah, its been a really warm week! Most days in the 70s, one day it even hit 80! The days cold days are in the 40s, like, the REALLY Really cold days, people call it freezing! haha, I am even cold when it gets down to 50, sad day! 

Anyhow, I have been sick pretty much all week, So that's been lame! 

We had ANOTHER Zone Conference with one Elder Zwick, good guy! I took lots of notes and enjoyed every minute.. And it was a lot of minutes, it started at 1, ended at 830, and most of it was HIM talking, But it was really good! 

Yeah I really don't have anything else to say... so..

Elder CamCam Martin! 

Week 67

I can not believe it is already December, MY SECOND DECEMBER! Crazy stuff! Mostly cause its still 70 degrees most days....

We did have some really cold days here and there last week, all of those days spent on BIKES! 

Thanksgiving was great! We had two meals, the first one was with a Part Member family, the parents of two young adults in the ward had us over, they are not members, but we have a good relationship with them. They are active in another church, but still had me give the prayer, that was unexpected! Our second meal of the day was at a members house, but her non-member boyfriend was there! So that was good!

Because no one from home loves me! I got a care package from the family of one of the sisters in my district, VERY THOUGHTFUL AND NICE OF THEM!

Remember that guy I gave a blessing to a few weeks back? And how cool it was! yeah I think he's dead..

We had a Zone conference yesterday, it was good! It was a Christmas Zone Conference, those are fun! AND MY CAR WON THE CLEANEST CAR AWARD! 
I also got the saddest news of my life at this conference, I am getting transferred in 2 weeks! LAME!

Welp, I had a good week, other then the worst news ever! BUT ALL IS WELL!

Elder CamCam Martin! 

Week 66

OK! So I call this the week of bikes, cause I cant think of a more evil word! I HATE MY BIKE!

We have biked SO MUCH THIS WEEK!  Brings me back to my Philadelphia days! Only, this time we had no one to talk to! Just did all kind of tracting. It all started when I found that my bikes back tire was all kinds of flat, out of no where, I pumped it up, and it seemed to be fine, but that day we had the car, after we got back home, the tire was flat again, GREAT! SMALL HOLE! I hate those, cause they are so hard to find, well, after MUCH time spent finding it, I fixed it, and was good to go... OR WAS I!! somehow, while trying to fix the tire, (may have been when I or my comp were viciously trying to pump it up with a hand pump...) another hole was made, but this one, was on the valve stem... AHH! I had no idea how to fix that.  The only thing to do now, was go buy a new tube, but!  we had given the car to the sisters for the week by this point! So we had to walk, to a wal-mart, it was a long walk, but it doable! we got back, I fixed the tire, and we got back to normal work... And started biking... AND NEVER STOPPED!
, there was also lots of cold weather with wind this week, so that has been lame.

Well... OH!!! I got a cool one! Remember that one time!? In Philly? When I was biking up that hill! And I said it felt like someone was pushing! Well something like that happened again! Only not nearly as dramatic! haha, I was just lugging my bike up the very long stair case to our apartment. And it was not near the heavy as normal... well, the back end wasn't.. actually, I really had to look back a few times to make sure no one was there lifting it from the back, all I saw was that the bike looked as if someone was lifting it! It might now sound that cool, but it was for me, cause I was pretty dang sick of bikes by that time. 


Elder CamCam Martin! 

Week 65

This week we had zone DDM, Which just means I didn't have to do DDM!!! So I love that! 
I also went on an exchange with the Zone Leaders, I stayed here in Bay and Elder Creger went to Slidell, It was good, mostly, all we really did was tract, but then again, that's all we ever do, EVER!!

Our one investigator seems to be avoiding us lately, so that's been lame! We tract and tract and tract, and nothing ever seems to come from it, I have yet to gain a testimony of tracting, maybe I just need to have more faith in it... 
We did talk to one guy that said he would read the Book of Mormon.. And that he already had once... In prison... So yeah, that's the kind of success we have, people that go to jail! 

We went to see a recent convert of the ward that has not been to church in a while, he was not there, but his VERY drunk father was... This man was drunk as could be, he was a happy drunk though, so that's good, he hugged us both when we left, like, at the same time.. So that was awkward.

I conducted my first ever baptismal interview! I guess that's kinda nifty! She got baptized on Saturday, She is in the sisters area, but really she was taught by the Elders that used to be in that area, it just took here forever to quit smoking, It was a good service, Elder Green, who was here when I first came and taught her, came down to do the confirmation! It was good to see him again.

Sunday was a good one, as always, we were on a LA hunt most the day, when we got a call from a member to go visit a guy who had not been to church in like 20 years! He is not even on the ward roster, anyway, we found his house, and realized we had tracted that house like a week ago! haha, he didn't answer when we went the first time though, so it was not awkward or anything. Now I just know why we were inspired to tract that street! 

My sweet loved ones! This was one of the most spiritual experiences of my mission! I did not expect it at all, I thought it would be a simple give the man a blessing and bounce, not at all! He is an awesome man! Turns out he had been trying to get a hold of us for years! And boy does he love missionaries! Anyhow! That's not what was so amazing, EVERYONE LOVES ME! THAT'S NORMAL! What is not normal, is ME having to fight myself from getting emotional while giving a blessing, never before, have I felt so strongly, via the spirit! that what I was saying in a blessing, was not at all MY words, but the Lords.  Every time I give a blessing I think "Was that just me? Am I at ALL saying what I am suppose to say?" This time I knew, The spirit was SO strong, I DIDN'T CRY!! CAUSE I'M A MAN!!! But I did almost choke up a bit, anyhow, after he said that it was everything he needed to hear. THE SPIRIT DOES WORK THROUGH US!! YAY!!

Welp! That's all I got this time around, 
I love you, I hug you, Amen.
Elder CamCam Martin!