Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 34

So this was a long crazy week,

We had zone con, and then the next day a leadership thing, so we had to spend the night in a pad with 8 other missionaries, it was NUTS! 
anyhow, zon con was great! it always is, but this time it was different, pres wanted it to be less formal and make it more of a discussion then a lecture so they set up tables in the gym like a square, it was cool, and and I one made pres laugh really hard, CAUSE I'M FUNNY! yeah I do what i can,

ANYHOW, I have finally got some letter, THANK YOU! but they get sent to the mission office and then they forward them to me, on the back of the first letter someone form the office wrote that I was giving the wrong zip code and told me a new one, and then 2 days later I get another letter, and once again, they tell me I had the wrong zip, I think, well YEAH! who ever sent it did not see my address update yet! that's all, well that would have been all good and dandy, but then I took a closer look, and found that it was a completely NEW ZIP CODE! one I had NEVER SEEN! so I call the office and say WHAT?! and they just cant seem to get things right, SO this is my REAL address

Mississippi Jackson Mission (they want that for some reason)
175 Brunham Rd,
Brandon, MS 39042,

my CURRENT address is
P.O Box 668
Hodge, LA 71247

I am just trying to keep up..

SO this crazy stuff happens here, its called pollen!! THE WORLD HAS BECOME YELLOW!! its like and alien planet, I will get some picture, BUT ITS NUTS! I have never in my life seen yellow glazed roads! and you can NOT sit on ANYTHING that has been out side for more them 5 hours, everything is just yellow, if I had like BAD allergies, I WOULD HAVE DROPPED DEAD! this stuff is CRAZY! and everywhere! and the people here just act like its NORMAL! I have had to tell them that it is very much not, and that they should all stay inside for the rest of there lives! 

For some reason Easter is a time that EVERY church starts to do missionary work, we have been invited to SO many church's, we will just be biking and people are stopping US!! I have to tell them that that's not how it is suppose to be!  I should be stopping YOU! but they still give me this paper that tells me all about the days and times some great guest speaker is going to tell me i'm going to hell, I think I will go to a few, and it had nothing to do with how or how not attractive the young ladies were that talked to us, that will in NO one determine which of the church's we will go to..

Another person stopped us on our bikes one day, one he just wanted to know if we were the "PO-lice" I said "yes, we are the PO-lice, on bikes.. and Jonesboro.. where they don't even have police in cars," 

Sunday was REALLY cold, that is all,

it was a good week, hope everyone remembers to LOVE!            

Elder CamCam Martin 

Zone picture

I got this pic of Camcam off his mission presidents blog.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week 33

WELP! my mommies birthday is coming up, so I SEND HER LOVE! 

this week was all kinds of hot, 80's and such, just, just a hot week,

We saw this family... well, kinda family, there needs to be a marriage in there somewhere but other than that, FAMILY!!
anyhow, they all want to be baptized, but they just don't do what they need to do to have that happen! so we had a nice meal and then did our norm, but i don't think that's going to work anymore, so, ima get em good this next week! I will give them my best shot, and then leave it all up to them, cause that really all we can do! so yeah!

So my comp for some reason is all kinds of popular, and gets ALL kinds of letters! so every time we go to the post office and I look in that box, it's just a new way for that box to say "oh Elder Martin, what were you expecting? NO ONE LOVES YOU!!" and then I hand my comp his 2 letters and am sad! so that's a thing everyone can think about! 

The Branch here is trying to help us more! I say trying, cause, they aren't.. but, a lot of them SAID they would! SO THAT'S GOOD! it's real good, although, ever since the new guy came, WE NEVER GET FED! like, ever, I don't get it, it used to be 3 or 4 times a week, now it's 1, kinda sad, oh well, they will get back on that i'm sure,

I had a pretty funny story, I don't remember it.. something about wishing I wasn't so dang good looking! ha, this is not the story I was thinking about, but there was a girl in philly that never goes to church anymore, cause i'm not there... yeah, its a curse! 

My letters are getting as lame as the other Elder Martin! but no worries, they will improve! one day! ONE DAY!!


Elder CamCam Martin 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Week 32

We all know I got a new guy, what you don't know.. I think.. is that it took a little longer then it should have

So we went to Monroe, and then found out that some flight was canceled so tday would be moved back a day, now we have no idea what to do, so we just stuck around all day, cause, no way we could drive back, anyway, that's really all, it was just kinda a pain, I did get him, just took a day longer, 
I also rolled my ankle pretty bad playing basketball, though, the top of my foot is the only thing that still hurts, odd kinda,

SO with the new guy all we have really done is bike and more bike, its been all kinds of painful, both for my knees and my foot, but it needed to be done, I'm more or less showing him the town.. while trying to figure it out myself, its almost like we are white washing, only not as bad,

ANYHOW, its been warm.. my WHOLE dist is full of nerds! ha, its like the big bang show minus the Indian guy. and I'm the hot chick! 

well, I don't really have a whole lot to report this week, its been a long week, and I am very tiered, so I bid you all.. good bye..

Elder CamCam Martin