WELP! I'm in my new area, I was sad to leave, but I'm sure I'll find some good things about this area as well,
Spent most the day packing, getting ready to leave and such, kinda a sad day, really,
Drove to T-Point in Clinton, talked met all kinds of
greenies, a lot of them being trained by people I know and LOVE! Elder
Anderson is training in phili (lucky guy, a great place to be trained!)
Elder Souter from Greenwood is training, 3 of the peeps from my MTC
district are training! Elders Crump and Hinds, and Sister Johnson,
I got to see Elders Crump and BIRD! and Sister Johnson, good to see all of them, and other then that, it was a norm T-point.
I got on the van and said my goodbyes, and went on my way to Monroe, it
was a fun drive, crossed the huge Mississippi river! that was fun.
then I arrived! met my new comp, (all 320 lbs of him) my new district,
and part of my new zone. After that is was off to our home.. we live in
a house, its kinda cool.
then I watched our car drive away, yep, we don't have a car here.. well, its a shared car, so this week, we were on
bikes, my knees are in much pain!
DAYs 3 & 4
BIKE! BIKE! BIKE! oh my hotdog! its was a lot of
biking, painful, uphill both ways, biking, I thought it was the end of
my life, We saw some people, and that was good, got feed, that was good,
and Elder Hartwig, (my comp) told me I had a 20 minute talk to prepare
for THAT SUNDAY! on the spirit of giving! yeah, its hard enough to write
a talk when you are a missionary, at least give me a topic I can USE!
Day 5
You'll never guess what I did.. BIKED!!! yep, all over again, what a day, what a day indeed, this place needs a car,
Ima skip day 6 cause I think you know what I did..
NO BIKING! We got picked up by a member for church, we both gave our
talks. mine was more about forgiveness then giving, ha, I met a girl who
lives in the phili BRANCH!! but she doesn't go to church there cause
she is LAME! I told her that I would tell the elders there, and THEY
WOULD FIND HER! and they will!
then we had a great lunch with a great family, very good, they invited us over for Christmas and we will be SKYPING! YAY!
after that we went a home teaching! good stuff! that was our day!
WELP! this was a crazy week, of painful biking and sad goodbyes,
WELP! I hope we all remember in this season of giving, the greatest gift
that was ever given, HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS! and fill it with LOVE!
and camcamian!
Elder CamCam Martin
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Week 21
WELP! CamCam was right, I am being transferred to the Monroe Zone in
LA, My area will be the Jonesboro... area... My comp will be 350 lbs... that's not a joke,
ANYHOW! I will miss this branch, I learned a lot here, like, how home teaching SHOULD BE! and how sad it is to not get it done every month
when you only have 3 to 5 names! when the brothers here have 20!! and
get it done!
Anyhow, that's my start rant, here is my week
it was just your norm Pday really, nothing fun to report,
A DAY OF RAIN!!! and I mean RAIN! and ALL DAY! it was the worst!
ANYHOW! at one point we went out, and it stopped raining! PERFECT
TIMING! and we did our thing and all that, and when we got home, like,
the second we closed the door to our aprt, THE RAIN CAME DOWN!! more I
mean it came DOWN!! IT WAS NUTS!! and once again, what timing! me thinks
tis not coincidence!
Day 3
DDM as always, but this time we stuck around with the Greenwood
boys and did some service, and also, found where Oprah lived, she was
born is Kosi MS, KECK YEAH! so that was cool, then we all 4 went and had
a good lesson and chat with a part member family, so that was cool, a
few of them came to church this Sunday so that was even more cool! and
then we drove home, and like a fool, I trusted my GPS!! and like always,
it was on its "Must find creepy dirt road" setting, so, I think we
almost died 4 times...
Greenwood was in town, cause they wanted to help us work.. I guess,
anyhow, the day was spent tracting, which... I hate, and for good
reason, people are not very nice here, "southern hospitality"? PLEASE!
Day 5
I GOT THE CALL! "Elder Martin, I think its time for a change, don't
you?" "Well I guess it is Pres, I guess it is" "Great, you will be going
to Jonesboro LA, your comps name is Elder Hartwig... He is about 350
lbs, and 3 times your size.. outward.. he's not much taller then you..
Lets just say he is built like a Bran" "um... ok,"
AND THAT WAS THE CALL! anyhow, it was crazy, oh, and Elder Anderson will be training here! YAY!!
After all of that we did our tucker thing! and as always had a good day there, ever raked so leaves, good fun!
Day 6,
We did all kinds of service, and Elder Anderson broke a window, YAY!
Day 7
the saddest Sunday ever!
Well, the branch pres had me speak for a few minutes, and I HAD
NOTHING TO SPEAK ON!! he asked me 5 minutes before church started! so I
told a story of faith and trust and talked about how without trust you
can't really have faith, so that was a thing, and then for prob the first
time in the branch history they had TWO!! youth speakers! both did a
really good job! REALLY GOOD!
after church we taught a lesson to a young girl that came with her grandma, and it went real well,
WELP! I love this mission thing, I love it all, the end!
Elder CamCam Martin!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Week 20
So this week the branch had a REALLY early Christmas party, kinda weird, but that's how its done here!
DAYS 1 AND 2!!!
yeah.. I have no idea what happened cause its not in my journal.. so, yeah, I'm sure it was good stuff though!
DDM like always, and then we made our pearl river run, as always, went back to some doors we knocked the week before that said we could come back.. and well... let's just say, "they have their condemnation!"
Anyhow, later we helped a sister from the branch move a bed.. ha, old ladies.
THEN SHEPHERDING I don't know if I talked about this last week, but a branch not to far from us closed! I didn't even know they did that, well, some of the people in that branch have been moved to our branch, so we went out with bro muse to try and find some, thus starts, my horror story!
So we go a looking for this one house, and when we find it, it is apparent that it has not been lived in for YEARS!!! spooky! and we are already in the back woods of Mississippi, so even MORE spooky, so we ask some folks living not too far about it, and they give us some info, anyhow, on the way back out, bro muse spots something! he backs up, and shines his lights off the side of the road, and there it was, the creepiest looking old family/privet hidden cemetery EVER! now I'm thinking, "AWESOME!!" so I was about to get out and go check it out, I even took off my seat belt and that's when I saw it! AN UPSIDE DOWN American flag! WHAT THE!!?? yeah, I didn't get out of that car. we drove away quickly! and then went to McDonalds!
Day 4
A day full of tracting, and as always, a day full of "oh, I'm already Christian," OH GOOD FOR YOU!! man, I love tracting...
anyhow, as we were scooping out an area to tract later, we found the COOLEST HOUSE EVER!!! it's just this HUGE house hidden, we never would have found it, but I saw the TRAIN that they have in their back yard!! so, we are totes going there, and I will prob try and get a ride on that train!
We also met with a few investigators, and that all went well,
Day 5
We went a "Less Active" hunting, found 4, tried way more! one of them, Justin Pfifer, cool guy, has a chicken farm, now, I have always smelled them, but never seen inside one, it was CRAZY! THOSE LITTLE GUYS WERE ALL OVER!! nuts! he also showed us the disc golf course he is making, pretty COOL! his dad is a pro! like, a real pro, I know its disc golf so not saying much, but still way cool.
then the Branch Christmas party.. yeah, in November, odd, anyhow, it was the adult party, and it was a white elephant thing, it was fun, and I was the life of the party, but then, when am I not? FO-REALS! I came out of it with a cut in half 10 dollar bill, so yeah..
Day 6
The primary Christmas party! yay! they had us go cause, well, we are a blast, everyone had fun, there was a sad moment, of "all fun and games til.." in this case it was a choochoo train race gone horribly wrong, after lots of blood, an ER visit, and a few stitches, all was good! at first I was like "OH no!" but then I was like "this is a story"
anyhow they did have to take this poor kid to the hospital so that was sad, but the party did go on, and we went on ANOTHER train ride, but this time, no race, it was the "polar express ha, fun stuff, it was just sitting on some chairs listening to a story, and then SANTA CAME!!! AHH! HE looks a LOT like Richard Jones, our recent convert, only, need to go on weight watcher, and shave.. but other then that, looks just like him! odd...
That was pretty much our day, not much else cool happened.
Day 7
another good Sunday all kinds of good church stuff! Krystalynn Davis got up for testimony meeting, that was way cool, she thanked EVERYONE in the branch for their goodness, and not once said anything about the missionaries, this, made me SO HAPPY! really, now I know I don't have to worry about her! the branch is taking care of her, GOOD STUFF! she was the only one I was ever really worried about, now I'm good, I love it!
That night we went to the Jones' to watch the Christmas Devo, it was way good!
WELP! That's all I got for now, this time next week I will tell you ALL about how I am being transferred to Monroe Louisiana. probably..
Elder CamCam Martin!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Week 19
It seems in today's world, the week of thanksgiving is about one thing and one thing only, good deals. It really is kinda sad, no one cares that its thanksgiving anymore! I hope everyone took some time to think about how blessed they are! and not how cheap that lap-top is!
Your normal Pday, did all kinds of good stuff, like, pday stuff.. and that was it..
Good day, first, I fixed our door bell! LIKE A BOSS! looks like my time in Canada DID come in handy, what I learned about wiring helped me when fixing the door bell, now that I fixed a door bell, I can do ANYTHING!
Pretty much RIGHT after I fixed it, it rang.. and was UPS. WITH FOOD!!! Elder Anderson's mom sent us a feast! we still have yet to eat most of it, its been in the freezer, so now, when ever we are running low on food, we can just brake out a 25 lbs turkey and be fine!
Later we went to a town called Union to meet with bro Muse and he took us around to meet all kinds of "less active" folk, most of them crazy red necks, but that's where we live! It was a good overall day, seeing all kinds of people is always a good day.
We had DDM and had a turkey dinner after, everyone contributed in some way to the food, I spent a good 2 hours making
up my mind on which juice to buy... It was a good meal
on the way home we saw a few people, that went really well, they are told us to come for thanksgiving but we already had a place, sad.
then I randomly stopped at some place I just happened to find a few weeks ago to tract, it, well, it was tracting, so, imagine.
then we got home. and I was trying real hard to think what we could do for the rest of the evening, our plans to this point had mostly gone south, then, at 6:09, we get a call, from bro Muse, I instantly remember where we were supposed to be at 6! We do this every week! how on earth I forgot, I have no idea! So, we went shepherding, and again, saw all kinds of "less active" folks.
Went to the Jones for thanksgiving. and it was great, the food was good, the times were great, and the people, well, they were kinda crazy, they have an interesting extended family, who, not all of which are big fans of the church, so that was a thing.
other then that it was not much of an eventful day.. People don't want to talk to you when preparing for black-Friday!
even though the world was trying to find the best deals around! we took our travels else where, and again, did our Friday tucker journey this time, well, not a lot of people where home, but we did do some teaching, and that's all that really matters,
anyhow, that night we had dinner with Diego, went well, as always..
well, we are finding more and more service to do on Saturdays and again, it was a day, of that, some teaching here and there, but mostly service,
Good day as always, good talks, good lessons, just a good day, that night we went to the Jones! and had a good lesson, and talked about temple work and missionary work and other such things. On the way home, I saw the greatest thing ever, like 8 dogs, all huddled up in a circle, having some kind of dog cottage meeting! it was AWESOME! I wish upon a star that I could have taken a picture, oh well, I will always remember.
This, was my week, I hope you liked it,
Elder Camcam Martin!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Week 18
It was a week for giving thanks for the things we have been given, a week for LOVE! as is every week!
Lets get to it!!
PDay, ALL KINDS OF CLEANING! the apt, the car! mostly the car! we
washed it our apt for some reason, but there was no faucet so we just
used pitchers and such things and poured water! only after we were DONE
did one of our crazy neighbors tell us that there IS a faucet and where
to find it! AHH! GREAT! that would happen to me!
Day 2
I think I have talked about the Bourne family? well, their real
last name is Barny, so not sure how we got Bourne, BUT WE DID! ANYHOW!
we saw her on day 2, she was as talky as ever! but she said "you guys
always come at the perfect time!" she had a dilemma she asked us about,
and we gave her some advice being sure to tell her that the BEST way to
answer any question is to pray and read the scriptures! we told her
that in particular THIS one dilemma would have answers in the Book of
Mormon... We do what we have to!
Day 3
Interviews! went to Jackson to have interviews with pres! it was
really good! nearly all of our zone, including president, went to
Chik-fil-a! YUM! kinda.. but the service was great, they put tables
together so all of us could sit by one another! it was great! In the
next few transfers we have a total of 50 SISTERS coming in to the
mission! AHH! I asked Pres how we would train them all, he said "I have
no idea!" HA! its going to be nuts!
Day 4
we walked to our old atp to get our bikes that were still there,
ha, and boy oh boy was that a walk and a half, and THEN! a tracting we
did go!! YAY!! I usually try not to write down and of our tracting,
cause, its REALLY boring! But this day was kinda cool, kinda funny, and
kinda sad.
It all started when we were on our way to the place I had picked
out to track, as we were walked, out of no where came a charging DOG!
Elder Ashby would have turned to the dog with open arms ready for it to
eat his face! Elder Anderson, had a different approach.. HE used ME as a
human shield! and hid behind me! the punk! but the dog did not eat us,
but it DID fallow us and would not leave, AND almost DIED a few times cause it liked to wonder out into the road, at one point I had to scream
"PUPPY NOOO!!!" out of fear that we would watch a dog DIE we turned
back to walk toward where he came from, and tract over there, this dog!
WOULD NOT LEAVE US! and kept trying to lead the way, SO WE CALLED HIM
SPIRIT! sadly his choice in houses was AWFUL! so we stopped fallowing
him, which, made him mad! HA! While knocking on one house a truck
drove by very slowly, I turned to Elder Anderson and said, "don't you
love it when the people that live at the house you are knocking drive
by, and KEEP on driving? as if they don't live there?" he did just that,
and tried to hide behind a BUSH with his TRUCK! it didn't work, and as
soon as we were on our way to the next house, he came back and pulled
into the very driveway that we were just at! Wait, it get better! THIS
say, anyhow, in the end, we DID get into a house, after HOURS of
nothignness! and it just so happens that the DOG lead us to this house!
HA! anyhow, they let us in, it was a GREAT meeting, gave them a Book of
Mormon, they felt the spirit! and now they live in Illinois... yeah,
they moved the next day! Just our luck right?
Day 5
A day in tucker, again.. Only this time, NO ONE WAS HOME! it was
the pits, we were not able to talk to anyone! well, not true, but most
of the peeps we useually talk to were not home so it was a lame day,
plus we were both all kinds of sick, the weather here is the worst, its
HOT and then REALLY COLD! day after day is a huge change!
Day 6
MORE SERVES! I love days like this! All we did was yard work! I
loved it! Elder Anderson thought it would be fun to put all kinds of
leaves by a tramp and jump off it into them, we got a big pile and I
said it was TIME! HE thought it was not big enough to be safe yet, I
SAID "NONSENSE! As long as your aim is perfect, you will be FINE! just
land your back RIGHT HERE!" (pointing the the point of most leavieness!)
he agreed that this would work, and made the JUMP!
He missed... HA! funniest thing ever, he landed, said something a
long the lines of "YOU LIED TO ME!" to bad for him he couldn't do
anything to me cause of the new found pain he was in! ALSO! its not MY
FAULT he MISSED! if he landed where I told him to, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN
But the most pain felt that day, was by me, that night, in my let
arm.. kinda concerning at first but I thought NAH! Ill be fine, the pain
started and was the worst up on my left shoulder, and just below it on
my upper left chest, like right under the collar bone, but extended all
the way down my arm to the tip of my thumb.
I woke up MANY times in the night do to the pain, it got pretty
bad! but I just kept going back to sleep as best I could and in the
morning, no more pain! kinda.. it was that feeling of the after math of a
lot of pain, BUT I WAS FINE! though, I MAY have tots had a heart attack
during the night! so, thats a thing!
Day 7
SUNDAY! We finally confirmed the Davis's After Dalton's all he could
say was "wow" HA! he REALLY felt it! I love seeing stuff like that! it
was way cool!
after church we had a big ol thanksgiving lunch thing! I LOVE THESE
LUNCHES AT THE CHURCH! mostly cause we get all the left over food! and
boy oh boy do we NEED IT!
WELP! that was the week! HAVE A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING! and fill it with Camcamian!
Elder Camcam Martin!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I feel like this video is always applicable, and could help anyone in many ways, but at this point in time I see it like this.
We already live in a time where our hearts could easily fail us, a
time when the future IS fearful, we hear time and time again that the
end is closer then we think, But we should not fear what lay ahead, because we have a promise from God, that "No weapon that formed against us
shall prosper" even with the most recent troubling events, have faith.
There is no end to Gods love, in the end, all will be well.
Week 17
WELL well well! so I will start out by telling you about a parable
The first 'Green'wood District LEADER.. mhhm!
The first Greenwood DL was kinda a tyrant, and just flat out a no
good guy, he made a lot of changes in the greenwood/phili dist, and did
so is secret, for 4 months he ruled with an iron fist, but all was
well, for surly, he would not be there any longer, and all his crazy
ideas would never have to come to pass. we would not have to live in his Amarica.. I mean district.. But, something unthinkable happened, he was
put in for at least another 4 months! who knows, he might just be the
DL for the REST OF HIS MISSION! in fact, I'm sure he will be. He was our
first 'Green'wood dist LEADER, and now, he is our first dictator! his
900 some odd secret "missionary mandates" will destroy this district, I
will try to make Phili its own..
Take from that what you will...
Days 1-4
moved.. cleaned.. went though area book.. did stuff that needed to be done, also had an exchange in there somewhere.
Day 5
Went to tucker with one Elder Shelley from greenwood, saw all kinds
of people there, and I taught my first LESSON! ha, with Ashby I was
never really able to get my 2 cents in, and with Shelley, I did all the
talking, so new stuff indeed! Then I got Elder Anderson back, and we
ALL had dinner with one Ashley Thomas, she is some crazy missionary
stalker, but, we gave her a lesson and maybe one day she will understand
why missionaries are REALLY here.
Day 6
A DAY OF SERVICE! YAY! the first bit of it my whole mission! and it
was a all day thing! did some landscaping. did some painting, almost
got bit by my second black widow! moved a 100 year old (and 400 lbs)
bath tub! and all kinds of other fun things! it was a great day indeed!
cant wait for next week when we do the same thing!
Day 7
SUNDAY! So, we confirmed Emily, but the Davis didn't show up on
time, so they are next week, other then that a normal church meeting,
all kinds of good stuff.
we then went and saw Will Coggins for what should be our last time.
He should be getting out of prison this week, and soon after will be
baptized! YAY! and he wants to go on a mish! so that's cool! actually,
its WAY COOL! is the best thing ever, not only him, but Dalton Davis and
Emily want to go too! AHH! I love it!
Yesterday was Vets day so the world was closed and we were unable
to do much, but we did move in some more! ha, I also wrote all kinds of
letters and sent them out, I would write more, but I HAVE NO
ADDRESSES!!! cause no one loves me, and no one writes me! So, at this
time, I, like my little brother, would like to make a petition for
letters, packages and other such things that could maybe help me fill
some kind of nampa and other such areas love!
Anyhow, I dont know if I will be able to write much more of these.. for no real reason.. just a thought..
SO! If you remember anything about Elder Cameron (camcam) Martin,
Remember this! SMILE! it will make someones day. A laugh is just an over sized smile with noise, so dont be afraid to laugh out loud! LOVE
everyone you meet. and let the element of love, otherwise known as
camcamian, fill you life!
I love you I hug you, Amen.
Elder Martin
Monday, November 5, 2012
Week 16
all kinds of new things this week, crazy, fun week!
Pday was spent mostly packing Elder Ashby, we did have two dinner apt's though, so that was fun!
Day 2
TDAY! all kinds of crazy! Elder Ashby went, and took the PHONE WITH
HIM!!!! I was so mad! we didn't get it back till Friday! AHH! being
without a phone is the WORST! let me tell ya, and we had some baptism
interviews to do! it really made things tough, plus everyone in the world
hates us now for never answering the phone! it was bad news! other than that good day, got to play some ball, show off my skills! got to meet my
new comp, whom, I LOVE! and all kinds of other good stuff.
Day 3
DDM was interesting, new DL, elder Souter from greenwood, but it
was good, it was good, after we made the rounds we usually make on the
way home.. that was the pits, no one was home, and those who were were
really rude, like really REALLY rude, it was odd, they are never rude!
and now I'm showing elder Anderson how GREAT an area we have! gosh! it
made me so mad! I about stabbed one guy, but he is too used to being cut,
cause he is a con! does he not get that I'm trying to help him save his
SOUL!? whatever, they have their condemnation!
We didn't do much else, cause it was Halloween, and we are not
allowed to be out after dark on Halloween, and it gets dark here at like
5! We DID however have some trick or treaters come over! I LOVED IT!
we had some candy from the ward party, and I also gave everyone a pass
along card! HA! I would always say "here's your candy, and here's your
picture of Jesus! ENJOY!" LOVED IT!
Day 4.
Greenwood came down to interview everyone for there baptisms, and,
we still had no PHONE! so that was an ordeal! but alas! it all worked
out in the end, and they ALL PASSED! (all being Emily, Richards
daughter. and Dalton and Kristylynn Davis) so all and all, good, good
Day 5
Moved... nuf said, I hate moving, it was a LONG day, let me tell
you, I like the new pad, but.. I just got word that there is a water
leak there, so that's freaky!
anyhow, that's was that day, just a lot of moving. ahh, and we still have more stuff to MOVE!
day 6..
um.. well, lame day, we DID help the Relief Society. they had a big ol thing that
day and we helped out with that a lot, and did a bit more moving, other
then that, not much, all I can say, people here are CRAZY! and not big fans of missionaries.
also, I love Elder Anderson! what a guy!
so, what a day! I LOVE CHURCH! as always, but today! was the best! 3
baptisms, I got to baptize Dalton, which, was odd, cause he is 3 time
my size! I had to like PUSH him all the way under! ha! in his own words
he is very "buoyant" (or however you spell that) but that did help in
the getting him back up part! anyhow, it was a great day! I love this
work! and there are still so many people to find!! cant wait!
Welp, all I can say now is this. Dance when you hurt, Smile when you're sad, and always, ALWAYS! LOVE!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Week 15
last week with my trainer!
Day one.
Pday! lots of cleaning, and also, tots saw a drug deal go down
outside our apt! yeah, the peeps above us, are SO drug dealers, its a
for sure thing now.
Day 2
another lame day, went to get Elder Ashby's back checked out, that was mostly it!
Day 3
Got the NEWS! we got a call from prez, telling us that Elder Ashby
was being moved and I was getting a new guy by the name of Elder
Anderson, good kid I think.. just met him.
Day 4
DDM, it was elder Ashby's going away party! so we went to taco bell.. YAY,
Day 5
um... nothing happened... hmmm.. probably saw a black guy though.. OH,! and it got REALLY cold out of no where!
Day 6
the branch Halloween party! IT WAS SO GOOD! I loved it! all KINDS
of people came, it was the best party ever! also... I MAY be condemned to Hell... I MAY have used the "flirt to convert" method, BUT NOT ON PURPOSE! I just don't know my own lady skills.. but it worked! ANYHOW,
that was the day, got all kinds of candy, and was a chili contest judge,
good stuff!
Day 7
Good Sunday! as always! they are my fav! Church was the best, and
because Elder Ashby is out of here, we went to eat a the Jones's that
night, good food! we also met a crazy person! YAY!
day 8?
that's weird, well, it was a good pday, only half a pday, 'cause today is really pday, but elder Ashby packed most the day. WITH MY HELP!
and then we went and saw the world!
WELP! that was my last week with Elder Ashby.
kinda a lame week..

we are still in the old place till the end of this week, but we have
the keys to the new place, so all letters need to be sent there, Dad
make sure this goes on facebook, everyone else, make sure dad does that,
1128 golfcourse road, Phili MS 39352, apt 25. LOVE!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Week 14
So, this week was shot, kinda sad, did as much as we could though!
Day one PDAY
We went apt hunting! I think I said that we were moving in the
last letter? well, we are, and we found some stuff, well, not really,
one thing, that was semi promising, other then that, norm Pday!
DAY 2!
MORE APT HUNTING! a lot of it this time, and that was mostly the
day. we found some good ones, but really, but all of them on the BAD
side of town. elder Ahby loved those! if they were not already crazy
hood, they were well on their way! forreals! we did find one though,
that is on the good side of town, and close to the church, so we grabbed
it up, and for some reason the paper work is going to take about a
week.. so, we won't move till probably the first of the month, which will
be a new transfer, so I may NEVER get to live in it, sad.
day 3!! ZONE CON!!
GREAT DAY!! the best, Elder Nash is the man, I learned so much. the
phrase, "the work is hastening" was said a lot! kinda cool to think
about! He said that we need to be a "beach-front" for all those that
will be coming in! He wants them to all come in and just have lessons to
teach left and right! and with the number that is going to be coming in!
that's what is going to be needed! He told us about how the Saturday of
"the announcement" that by that night the church office got a call from
one BYU Bishop that said he had 28 sisters call him THAT DAY saying they
wanted to get started on their mission papers! CRAZY! that's just one
anyhow, things are moving forward, and FAST! GOOD STUFF!
I also met a kid from MELBA! how cool, he is new, I talked to him for a while, Elder Mickelson,
spent the day in Greenwood again! yeah.. Elder Shelley is still
recovering, by the way, Elder Souter, one of the guys there, knows Elder
Casey Martin's trainer! they were in the MTC together! crazy!
Anyhow! saw all kinds of crazies there, that place is so hood! OH! the movie The Help! was TOTS filmed there! for reals! crazy!
Day 5
Well, went a less active hunting, and really found no one, kinda a sad day, nothing worked out, OH WELL
Day 6
Guess who we saw again!? GREENWOOD!! YAY!! this time they came here though.
We saw the Davis family again! and tots set those fools with a
B-date! for the 4th of November! so that makes 3 for that day! we would
do it next week, but for some reason our branch prez don't want to.
Went to Stake con with Greenwood, and spent most the day in Jackson
area, Stake con was GREAT! there ARE Mormons in Mississippi! I never KNEW!
we learned a lot, it was good.
That night we went to the Jones, and I gave Zach (the one that was baptized last week and is going to be confirmed in Cali cause he is
leaving this week!) a blessing, and we talked to Emily about her baptism.. by the way she is the 3rd on that list of who is getting baptized on the 4th.. anyhow, she has all kinds of friends that we are
now going to start teaching as well! that family! just the best!
I think that's it!
to all whom it may concern, at LEAST send a dear john!! its common decency!
also, LOVE!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Week 13
So this week was so weird cause we were on some kind of exchange every day of the week!
Taught a kid named Zach, he is Richard Jones great nephew, good
kid, then we went and met the Greenwood elders and had a fun little pday
together, and then started an exchange, elder Souter and I were here in
Elder Souter wanted real bad to go to an Indian res, so we went out
to pearl river and talked to the world over there. talked to some
bigfoot hunter people that were from cali doing a little documentary! I
wanted to do an interview with them, but they said no, I would have had
so much fun with that! COULD YOU IMAGINE!
DDM and then just all kinds of nothing, other then when Elder
Ashby shut the car door on his finger, (his finger nail is SO close to
coming off as a result of that) I looked the doors.. but I didn't get
there on time, he opened it and got his finger out JUST in time. DARN!
ZL's came to town! so we went on splits, I went with a Elder
Summsion, who, is 6 foot 8.. and very looks like he could eat you, so
they put shorts MaGee with Tall man jenkins! what a day that was! at the
end of the day they interviewed Zach for Baptism, good stuff.
Some folk came over to inspect our apt, (the few days before this
all I heard from the other Elders was how bad our Apt was, like the
smallest and junkiest one of them all) and made the decision that we
will be moving out! mostly cause of the no doubt drug related smell!
YAY! so that's going to happen. Later that day we got a call that teller
us that Elder Shelly from Greenwood was in the hospital, and that we
needed to go there so Elder Souter could leave and go do work and go to a baptism they had set up for Saturday, so, we took the 2 hour drive to
greenwood. and there I found out why our apt is so bad.
Day 6.
spent the day in greenwood, which it the hood of the WORLD! and
talked to all kinds of crazies! and then had a really nice baptism,
good day overall,
Day 7.
woke of early so as to be able to drive home and get back on time
for church, MAY have almost died at one point on the way back, I was
probably going a little to fast, but in my defense, its the roads fault
for just ENDING out of the blue with NO warning! man Mississippi roads
are the pits!
Church was great, and after! was BAPTIZED ZACH! and a kid named
amaru, but he was a child of record, I talked on baptism, and it was
just an over all great day, I'll send pics next week, as we don't have a
lot of time today.
"When you look in the mirror in the morning, be happy with who you see, regardless of what happened yesterday" - CamCam
Monday, October 8, 2012
Week 12
So, I don't have my Journal, so this will be a different letter, but still with all the love in the world!
Hmm.. you know what, Kinda an uneventful week, let's see.
Went to tucker.. that was good again, and we DIDN'T ride home in
the dark! that made it even better! we have all kinds of people to see
there though so we might have to go more then once a week. The Lord
has been blessing us with all kinds of foods! people are giving us food
left and right! its CRAZY! we don't even have to go shopping this week!
maybe... um, I scared Elder Ashby half to death the other day, that was
fun.. I made the discovery that I look AMAZING in a dress sweater, so I
wear that as much as I can..
Okay, now to Conference! AHH! SO MUCH COOLNESS! First of all, I
just want you all to know, that the Prophet of the world quoted
the scripture that is on my missionary plaque,
making me awesome! second! did Y'all see the name on that one guy? Echo
Hawk? WHAT? Also! Walter Gonzalez. he is totes the 70 over this area,
and talks to us all the time. and Marcus Nash. He is coming to talk to
us for Zone Conference next week! yeah! we are that cool!
NOW! for the greatest announcement since the Meridian temple! THE
MISSIONARY AGE CHANGE! OH MY GOODNESS! that knocked me off my seat! I am
SO exited for this! and can not wait to see how this impacts the MJM!
just crazy! I loved it! and I loved the Press Con about it too! so cool!
What powerful talks we heard from all, I have a feeling the the growth of the church is about to sky rocket!
...the Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the
work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies
may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth
boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent,
visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till
the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall
say the work is done.”
There is no greater work! Bring the truth of God to all! there are
many ways to do this work! Find one, and make it your purpose! Let us
all press on! and conquer the foe! All worldly road blocks can and will
be removed when the Lord is on our side!
"Be of good cheer, I have overcome the WORLD!"
With ALL of my love, I pray for you one and all! keep it up!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Week 11
actually, kinda a weird week, I'm going to skip a few days, as, nothing reportable really happened.
I shall start with Thursday!
Richard Jones, who is AWESOME! and is already doing all kinds of missionary work! Took us to him home town, which, has probably NEVER been knocked or even seen my any missionaries, ever! With that said, it was a great day! we talked to the world! people are so much more willing to listen when they have never seen us before! and when we assure them that we are not J-dubs! It was a really good day! I enjoyed it, after we finished up there, Richard took us to Chip and Meagans house! only Chip was there so we all just talked to him for a bit, he said they found another baptist church they want to go to.. sad.. but Richard says he knows that church, and that they wont be going there long! SO THERE IS STILL HOPE! That was our day
So, we had all kinds of plans then fell through! that was sad, but we ended up being able to talk to NEW people! so there are still people in tucker we have not met yet! YAY! anyhow, we had a lesson with this family that went really well, and we WILL be going back, GOOD stuff! We then of course, as always. went and saw the Davis family, and as always, it was a great meeting.. but we didn't get out of there as soon as we had planed.. and it got dark, again.. so, once again, we rode home in the back woods of a southern Indian reservation! yeah. we were being fallowed and watched by all kinds of creatures! that may or may not exist! But alas! the Lord is watching out for us! as we were coming up to the high way a car came up behind us and just slowed down, and fallowed us, giving us light, it was great! and THEN! she asked us if we wanted her to drive behind us with her 4-ways on just for this big hill on the high-way! what a blessing! but here is the best part! That hill, is NOT easy to get up, especially for me and my rackety old knees! Yet somehow, we ZOOMED up that hill! I mean, I was in top gears! FLYING! up that hill! There is NO way I did that with my own strength, I was definitely given a nice little push! Coolest thing ever!
Saturday we went to see Will Coggins again, and all kinds of other people, Will still plans on being baptized and going on a mission! SO COOL! good kid,
Fast Sunday!
good day! testimonies were all awesome!
Elder Ashby and I had the 5th Sunday lesson, mostly me.. BUT IT WAS GOOD! We talked about member missionary work, and had a few people tell there conversion stories! most of them are do in large part to the members rather then the missionaries. So that went well, although, the only ones who seemed interested after were the Jones.. WHO ELSE!? so yeah, they are going to be helping us out a lot.
We went and saw the Bourne family! this guy, James Bourne, like a mix of James Bond and Jason Bourne! BEAST! he cool, he rewl cool, (that was southern talk there) other then that, normal day!
So here are some of the weird things southern people say and do, maybe Elder Casey Martin can back me up on this..
Whenever.. used for pretty much anything, but mostly instead of just saying WHEN! example "Whenever I was 10 years old" "whenever I leave will you.."
Skreet, used in place of street, really anything with a str is skr,
alright.. just, at all and anytime during a conversation, "alright, ok," all the time!
FIXEN! exp. "Im fixen ta leave" "I was fixen ta say" If I ever do this one whenever I get home! I give anyone permission to smack me SILLY!
people here also avoid eye contact at all costs! it's the funniest thing ever!
also, the Martin name! is INFAMOUS down here! for a number of reasons, one of them being that the last Indian Chief was a Martin.
WELP! let CamCamian lift you to new heights daily!
Week 10
This week includes but is not limited to. Prison. PAIN! vicious dogs! Shelly Idaho! and SO MUCH MORE!
lets start with P DAY!
After writing our letters home, we went to wal-mart. There, some
nice young ladies whistled at us.. me. so that was interesting. That
night we went and saw Chris and Cody, (keep them in mind!) and on the
way home, it we pouring! SO, MUCH, RAIN! riding in that was really something new! but I'm still alive, so its just a story!
So, LONG day, cool story though, a lady from the branch flagged us
down and took us to lunch! that in it self is unheard of for Phili,
mostly 'cause there is a total of like, 4 active members that live here.
Best part was though that her son! who is "less active" not active at
all, was with her, AND! we totally had been trying to see him with no
success for WEEKS! so that turned out cool! And then.. we did all
kinds of tracting, which, as you may know, is by far! my LEAST favorite
part of missionary work. Mostly 'cause its ineffective. Well, that day
was no different. Actually, it was the worst ever! First of all, it was
the most hostility we have ever witnessed! in fact, there is one street
that I want to just X out for good! oh, and a dog tried to eat me.. I
have the hole to prove it. luckily, the dogs owners son was out there..
luckily for the dog that is! and elder Ashby. I'm not sure how he would
have handled me breaking a dog's neck.
Yeah, even that guy, whose dog had a piece of my pant lag, would take 5 minutes to talk to us, BLEH! not a fun day.
DDM, that was really it.
Another day full of tracting, and biking, to THAT point, my knees
had never felt the kind of pain they did that night, it was pretty bad.
There were TWO bright spots: One, I have been praying REAL hard to see
how tracting is in any way good for anything! and we FINALLY met a guy
who seemed cool, James Born, cool name! he will come up again. and the
other bright spot, I once again suggested we go into a store, and by
doing so, met a member! I love me! WELL! this guy was just passing
through, he lives in another state, and he just randomly decided to stop at this place called dirt cheap! WEIRD! I got to talking to him, and
found out that he has a sister that lives in Shelly Idaho! and her Stake
President is TOTS President Browning! HOW COOL IS THAT! that is the
thrid person I have met that has some kind of connection to Shelly
Idaho, crazy!
Tucker, biked there, did our thing there, met with the Davis
Family as always, they are doing great! at about 6, we had a choice to
make, either bike home, so as to get out of tucker before it got dark,
or bike to the Stokes, who only live, like, 3 miles from tucker, but like, 7,
from our pad, and we could just have them take us home after meeting
with them. but if they were NOT home, well, we would have a rough time
ahead of us. Now, if I have not talked about the Stokes before, they are
a less active family that we have been relentlessly led to! SO! We went
to the stokes, and as we were coming up to their drive way, it (at that
point, of ALL TIMES) dawned on Elder Ashby, that "they might be at the
football game.." AHH! YEAH! IT'S THE SOUTH! they were.. so, we biked home,
in the dark, up hill the whole way! 'Cause again! IT'S THE SOUTH! and I
about died, far more pain then the day before.
The day was not yet over! at about 830, just as we were getting
home, we got a text, from Cody, , (Remember, I said to keep him in mind)
saying that something happened with him and Chris, (I won't get into it,
cause, its odd...) and that he was now homeless. we asked him where he
was, and never got a reply. the next morning we get a call from Chris!
the first thing he says is "HE LIED TO YOU!" well, turns out Cody may
have stolen phones and walets and MAY have put bleach in a drink for
Chris to drink and is now in prison.. So yeah.. that happend. there are
some othet things, that I dont know if I should tell the whole world, so
y'all can decied if you want to put this all in the blog.. like, the
whole story, not sure about it. oh and Chris is gay, so was Cody, so
thats fun...
Saw the Born family again, and it went REALLY well, I cant wait to
see them again, maybe tracting is not the worst thing you could ever
Talked to a J-dove! that was fun!! she knocked on our door! it was
great! and random! cause we are NEVER home at that time of day! good
oh and there is a chance that we once again locked ourselfs out of the pad..
3 weeks after his baptisem, Richard Jones was confirmed! YAY! good stuff.
WELP! that was my week! loving life here in the dirty south!
Elder CamCam Martin!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Week 9
I have made it! 6 weeks down! a lot more to go! love it!
DAY ONE! Pday?
We started our first ever exchange! I stayed in Phili and got stuck
with a feller by the name of Elder Jackson, Who, is going home
tomorrow.. so he was super trunky! so that was a thing, also, he is
just in general kinda lazy, so it seemed like we were going to have a
FUN day!
DAY 2! Eday!
With Elder Jackson all day, he didn't get up till like 830! so we
started off STRONG! thank goodness I had set up an appointment with
someone at 10, so he HAD to get up so we could go to that... and it fell
through.. darn! I spent a lot of time studying! had to. we did go out
though, but only for one reason. You see, Phili.. was Elder Jacksons
last area, so HE had all KINDS of friends we had to see, and that's what
we did! it was.. fun! One of his best friends was mister Diego! so we
had Dinner with him, spent some time there, at one point they went out
to put away some of Diego's MANY cars, (he has this big ol' 8 car port
thing in the back of his house) as they were out there, I was inside for
just a bit finishing some dishes, when I went out there, I found Elder
Jackson in panic mode! (Oh no! is all that went through my mind) well,
turns out that Elder Jackson is DEATHly afraid of all things spider! he
saw me come out and he's like "ELDER MARTIN! WE NEED YOU!" He couldn't
kill it cause he is a wimp, and Diego couldn't cause he is blind as a
bat and couldn't see it to save his life! SO! I went to check it out..
BIGGEST! SPIDER! EVER! in history! I had to let out a gasp! it was no
wonder Elder Jackson was ready to pass out! So this thing is just
chilling up in its web, (which, was also huge! and AWESOME!) all being
big and scary, so I had Diego get some bug killer spray stuff, and he
just so happened to have the most lethal of all sprays! Well as I was
about to KILL it, Diego asked for a picture of it, so I took his phone
got all close like and took some pics, but they were not good enough so
Diego wanted a closer look so he could see just how big it was, so I
was giving him so light, as he is failing to see this spider that was
right in front of him! when I randomly turn and BOOM! HUGE SPIDER NUMBER
TWO! I gasped! and Elder Jackson had a mini heart attack and ran
inside! Most, fun, I have ever had! so I sprayed them real good, they
put up a nasty fight, but in the end they both fell to the ground, dead,
this was not good enough for Elder Jackson, and he wanted them
squished! I got a little 2 by 4 (cause I was not about to step on it
with my NICE SHOES!) and it was like braking a shell or something!
CRAZY! those guys were BEASTS! it was the best!...
and then.. IT happened.. Diego took us home, BLIND AND ALL! in the
DARK! and when we got to the pad, I realized something was missing from
my pocket.. YEP! the KEYS! good ol' Cameron STRIKES AGAIN! but it does
not end there, the PHONE! was also in the pad! that one is Elder
Jackson's fault! AHH! this was all very bad, SO after spending the next
hour and a half trying to break in! (I may not be as good at getting in
to houses as I am with cars) we called the Mish Pres and ended up
staying and Diego's house.. I hated every minute of it!
day 3..
So we DID get in, got that all taken care of, and then went and got
our Elders back.. and we MAY or may not have played some pokemon
cards.. its a missionary thing, one that you will NEVER catch me
spending money on.
Saw all kinds of People, like this guy that needs to go to
Prison.. yeah. Saw the Agustos again! love that family he gave us some
AWESOME riddles, this was one of them, a math thing,
You want to buy a 97 dollar shirt (no idea who would do that) but
you have no money, SO you barrow 50 dollars from your dad, and 50 from
your mom. You buy the shirt, and get 3 dollars back. You give one to
your mom, one to your dad, and pocket one.
Now you owe your dad 49 dollars, and you owe your mom 49 dollars.
ok, 49 + 49 is 98, you have one, that makes 99. where is the other
we thought long and hard, couldn't figure it out there, but after
we went to another less active home, the Stokes, I may have talked about
them before, they go to some other church now.. its strange, anyhow,
they LOVE us, and we will keep seeing them, but it will be awhile till we
get them back to church, BUT with them we DID figure out that riddle
thingy, so yeah, I know it now!
DAY 4.
the weirdest day of my mission.. we started the day off by going to
this dudes house for lunch, he calls him self little Joe, and his
house it an RV, ok, no prob, but I could not HELP but wonder if the
drinks he gave us was just flat out knock us out! like REALLY! I was SO
scared! I didn't want to drink, or eat anything he gave us! all I was
thinking was, "which food item did he stuff the roofies in?" I did
partake though, and it was all very good, up until he started rambling
on about how.. he.. is GAY! and that that started cause as a child..
he was molested.. um, the fear came back REAL quick! we couldn't get out
of there soon enough! and right before we did.. he sang to us! AH! my
only solice is that he is moving, and we can give him to the other
other stuff went down but I'm about to be kicked off, so I'll end,
We went to tucker, it was great, talked to a bunch of drunks
The Davis family FINALLY came to church!
and that's really the rest of the week!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Week 8
OK! so kinda a bit of an overview of last week and this week! LAST week, so really two weeks ago, we got a call from the Mission Prez, it was the worst call ever! pretty much, he told us that Elder Ashby's driving privileges were being REVOKED! so, no more driving for him, (he got in a small fender bender 3 months ago and they finally decided to not let him drive) as for me, I had a bit of a record when I got here, and I guess I didn't qualify.. SO! an emergency transfer was IN THE WORKS! and that made me very, very, sad, BUT ALAS! I was able to take a little defensive driving thing, and now I am the driver, so all is well! always remember to PRAY! ok, now for the week.
DAY ONE! didn't write.. BUT! I do know that we saw CHIP AND MEAGAN! YAY! we thought they hated us and were avoiding us, but no, things just never worked out.
DAY TWO! that's when I sent my last email, after the leadership training in which I was training to be AP!
DAY 3!! DDM, that was really most of our day, but that night we went out with the brethren again, (brother muse) and went to a less active family, who live kinda far, and going there would take up the whole night, and I was thinking to myself "we should really use this time better, they probably wont even be there, no way are they expecting us, what a waste!" yeah, they were expecting us BIG time, I was humbled! they even made us cookies. it would have been the worst thing ever if we didn't go, so that was great!
day 4 biked... cause we had no car yet.. so far.. went to Peal River, another Indian reservation, only this one is twice as far as tucker.. AH! when I got inside, I sat down, and STILL haven't recovered! that, was a tough day, real tough! we saw a guy, who really likes what we are teaching, and we WOULD have him get baptized and such, but, he KINDA needs to go to prison.. he MAY or may not be running from the law. so that was cool stuff,
Day 5, YAY DAY! the day we got the stuff in the mail that made it so we could DRIVE! but we still biked all day.. even though I was still dead from the day before! so we went to the post office, to mail that thing that made me drive back, and right next to the post office is this gun and pawn shop, and I just felt the impression that we needed to be semi apostate and go in and look around, of course, Elder Ashby wouldn't have it, but I can be very convincing! so we went in! AND! turns out, it was VERY good that we did, cause as we were leaving, we ran into a less active guy that we had been trying to get a hold of for weeks! Brother Agusto! good guy, was very active all growing up, kinda stopped going at like 18, he is now 30 something, has not been back since, his wife is not a member, and knows very little about the church, and really church in general, which is CRAZY for the south. He invited us over for dinner the next day! Just goes to show, it pays off to be lazy sometimes! I will never let Elder Ashby live that one down.
Day 6 TUCKER! So, a whopping two days after the worst bike ride ever! comes the ride to tucker, again! AHH! I had never been is so much pain by the end of the day.. BUT! it was still a really good day, talked to all KINDS of people, Indian people, black people, drunk people, shape shifters, even a white lady! who, is semi crazy, talking to the drunks was hysterical! thanks to good ol Canada! I know very well how to deal with drunks! Elder Ashby, on the other hand, not so much, making that meeting the funniest thing ever! he was so scared! It was great... don't bring expensive sun glasses on a mission.. in fact, just never buy expensive sun glasses.. That night we went to the Agustos! had dinner, and then had an AWESOME lesson! She said it was "very positive" and that she had never seen her husband (brother Agusto" open up that much, GOOD STUFF! so glad I went into that gun shop! GO CAMCAM!
SUNDAY! welp, half the men in the stake were asked to go down to New Orleans to help clean up, so we only had sacrament meeting, AND we didn't confirm Richard Jones, so y'all still have a week to pray for me! after Church one of the few Brothers that stayed behind took us to see Will again, (along with all kinds of other people. but NO ONE WAS HOME!) The meeting with Will went great, again! He pretty much said that he wanted to go on a mission! BEST! THING! EVER! SO! after we got home, we got on our bikes (so as to make sure I NEVER recover!) and biked out to see some formers, met this awesome black guy, who's life story could SO be a movie! I kinda want to make it, he is very old, 82, which, is crazy! He doesn't look any older then 50, but that's really how most black guys are. anyway, he is old and does A LOT for his church, so probably not going to baptize him.. In this life. WELP! that was really my week, this is the last week of the transfer! it's CRAZY to think it has been 9 weeks from the time I left home! let camcamian fill your life! LOVE!
P.S everyone in the south LOVES to point out color of skin, its funny!
1, we MADE COOKIES! for my bday,
2, this is what my old belt did to all my shirts! does not really do it justice!
5 and 6 , this little guy found his way into my tire on the way to pearl river, I of course got a flat, we changed the tube but I never found why it went flat. we went on our day and had no problems, it was not till two days latter that I found a very small metel looking thing in my tire, and THAT is what we pulled out, it took some effert!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Week 7
SOOO! hello again! well, this time things will be different! I am
yesterday. due to the holiday, we could not write emails, so we are doing
it today. but, we are in Jackson, for a leadership training thing,
(cause they are already ready for me to be AP) and we got here last
night, and spent the night in the mission home... it is all very weird..
SO with that, I have little time, and I don't have my journal, so this
letter will not be the norm.. at all,
OK! so.. how do I start, um.. that storm! lame! we were awaken be
the sound of tornado sirens.. but I just rolled over and went back to
sleep. and turns out there was not even really any high winds, so yeah,
it was the lamest storm ever, it did rain all day though, so that was
what else? so, we went to tucker again, good stuff as always, but
on our way out we stopped by this house that we talked to a bit a few
weeks ago. the lady there was about to leave, or as they say in the
south (fixin to leave, or fixin to make some groceries..) ANYWAY! she
said we could come back and all that, but as we were leaving the rain
started coming.. like mad! we took shelter in the first car port we
could find! it was great! and that was not our first run in with rain
that day, the other one was a little more dramatic. imagine if you
Elder ashby is on the phone, being all aloof as always.. and I'm
sitting there looking around just watching the storm a brewing, saying
things like "um.. elder? wha.. um.. I think.. we might want to move.."
and he is just in la la land, the wind is picking up, a little rain is
coming down here and there, I'm phlipping out! (that's RIGHT, FLIP WITH A
PH!) but no worries! elder ashby finally ended his call! YAY! WE CAN FIND
SHELTER AND NOT DIE!! or so I thought, this was his response "oh.. is it
raining? ahh, we'll be all right, lets just go, the house we are going
to is not far" (not far for him is 2miles) SO we went on our way. it
seemed to be going well for a bit, then I heard a strange sound.. imagine! riding your bike.. its windy, you hear a semi familiar sound..
now what could that be? you look back, and you see it! your eyes widen
and the WALL of rain comes hurdling toward you! you bike faster! FASTER!
the sound is just getting louder! THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO! IT WILL
CATCH YOU!! ... now, Elder Ashby's point of view, imagine, if you will..
You are in lala land biking about, enjoying the view, not a care in the
world, peddling along as if the time is paused, just for you, and then, a
faint cry, (cause he was already so far ahead of me) that goes a little
something like this "no! no! NO! NO!!!! CURSE YOU ELDER!!!"
so yeah, we both got wet that day, more then once, WELL i'm running
out of time, this was a great week, a lot of good happened, for one,
good ol RICHARED was baptized! it was great! this sunday he will be confirmed a member of the church! and, for what ever reason, he has
asked me to do so! I need a lot of prayers to ready myself for that!
keep camcamian in your life always!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Week 6
YAY! I'M BACK AGAIN! this weeks topic! HURRICANES!
yep, ima die! as many of you know, there is a big ol guy COMING
THIS WAY! yay! looting has already begun, people are already evacuating,
and DEATH IS ON THE HORIZON FOR US! well, ok, that's all true, (other
then the death part) but we are far enough away from the coast to have
any of that going on here, BUT! we are close enough for it to effect us,
and in some big ways, last time there is was a hurricane that hit the
part of Mississippi that will be hit this time around ALL KINDS of trees
came down, (some caused deaths) power was out for DAYS! no water for
DAYS! and mostly just crazy murderous like weather the would strike fear
into the bravest of wild dogs, so, yeah, we WILL be effected, but, we
will also be a-okay! so no worries!
ok, as for the week!
spent most of the day cleaning the car in prep for zone conference,
so that was cool.. we then had FHE/Dinner/meeting with our ward/branch
mission leader, Brother Wrich, (pronounced rick) so that was fun. and
that was it.
another day of all kinds of appointments falling though! 5 of them,
actually, cool stuff! anyhow! we did randomly find some people, a girl
chillin' out in some parking lot in a wheelchair.. yeah.. turns out she
can walk too, so.. AND then some drunk black guy.. who, was black.. and
drunk, and kinda funny, so that went down, we also had dinner with
sister braxton again, so two days in a row with dinner, YAY! OH and ah,
funny, Elder Ashby fixed his bike up real good that day, which means
he made the brakes work.. like, REALLY GOOD! and, sometimes I look down
as I'm riding, and HE apparently likes to test his new crazy good brakes,
and I like, apparently, like to run into people.. so, I collided with a
random burning hobo, it was weird, and Elder Ashby used his brakes a
lot.. ok I ran into the back of his bike! gosh!
P.S peed three times that night.. new record.
MY BIRTHDAY DAY! and that's all I wrote in my journal that day.. so,
by memory.. I don't know, OH! we made cookies! that was about it, saw
some less active people, in the south, people that are less active, (not
active at all) are active in other churches.. so yeah.
ZONE CON!! it was so good, loved it, Elder Ashby and I were the
center of attention for some reason, probably cause we are the best! um,
saw two of the peeps from the MTC! that was real fun, Elder Crump, THE
MAN! and Sister Johnson, THE MAN! also semi attractive, so I made sure to
shake her hand ;)
we talked to Richard Jones on the way home, he is getting Baptized
next week, so we just did all kinds of getting ready for that, so, it
was not already a done deal and such when I got here! (SO I WIN CASEY!)
yeah, anyhow, that's all really from that day,
for the first time, I wanted to punch Elder Ashby in the face, I
resisted and instead punched a very homely dog in the face, it promptly
ran into the road and got hit by a car, so I laughed and quickly got
over what made me mad in the first place, it was kinda a sucky day, but I
DID learn a lesson, well, two, first, don't eat glass you find on the
road, and TWO! be careful what you plan for, cause, it may happen, SO,
we have these little planner things, all your RMs know what I mean, and
at 5 o'clock Elder Ashby wanted to go talk to a preacher, so I put down
"bible bash" saying how I feel that would have been the only outcome,
WELL! we did not end up seeing him, BUT at 5, and promptly 5, we knocked
on this door, of a Catholic, who, normally are my favorite, I mean, I love
them, BUT he kinda told us we were doing very bad thing taking people
away from the true church, and such, and that there was no need for a
restoration cause they have all the authority needed, and the such of
things, anyhow, it was clear he had read all kinds of anti stuff,
which, became much more clear when he broke some of it out for us to
read. good stuff, it was sad, I thought Catholics were better then that,
oh well, (by the way the stuff he gave us was hysterical! it was all
out to disprove the Book of Mormon, but did nothing of the sort, and
instead just bashed it for 5 pages) and that was that day!
so, talked to Errol, the awesome guy, and his son Dalton, it was COOL!
again! they are SO getting baptized, can't wait, they are so prepared!
its the BEST! I love them, they do everything we ask them to do, its awesome! they love it! we love it! its just all kinds of camcamian! spoke
to a lady Marry McMillan, she is such a good person, she likes us
visiting, I don't know if she believes anything, but she will, she will.
what else, OH, didn't see a shape shifter, but for sure heard one,
either that or someone dying, well, more like 2 people and a dog all
dying at the same very painful time, that was entertaining! that's about
it for that day,
gotta love Sunday! its my favorite, Church was great as always, we
saw Will again that day, you know, the one that messed with a Ouija board? yeah, don't do that, ANYHOW! he is doing great! AND! asked us if
he could "get baptized" AHH! it was so cool! we informed him that
probably not, what cause of the fact that he lives in Mississippi.. ok,
so that's going to happen, no idea why HE had to ask US about it, some
missionaries we are, the worst even.
ok, I need to go, people are waiting, so, LATES
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
. pics at the temple.
. bunch of missionaries
. my dist and a few from the oldest dist when we got in,
. me at the Jacod Hamblin building!
. we found this on under one of the tiles on our roof, cool stuff
. ME in PMG
. our dist and Elder Barker, cool guy.
. our dist?
. our dist and teh best teacher ever, pic looks like crap, most seem to, makes me mad,
. dist
. benching elder bird, most of the whait on me!
. me and sister Mansfield, yeah, they all turned out bad, but if
you could with the last one, cut out the random gut in the door way some
how, and but that up on the blog, and maybe facebook.. all would be
. me and Elder Martin, make this my facebook profile pic,
. me runing up the wall like a beast!
the couch and the damage it did!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Week 5
week, could have ended me.. TWI.. AHH!! sorry, some guy just came up
behind me at random, one of our many less actives, he said he would see
me sunday, so thats cool! anyhow where was I, CE! well not really, I
could have just died the whole week, lets find out why!
by the way, if you decied you only want to read from one day, make it day six, cause, its crazy!
Pday, this was the day I sent my last EMAIL!! YAY!! other than that
we did do some work. We met with these two kids, Chris and Cody. They
are good kids, they have a lot to learn and a long ways to go, but we
will keep on them. That's really all from Monday
DAY 2!
This was a quote straight from my journal, or as I like to call it,
'the book of camcam' "well, crap day" YEP! it sure was, we, KINDA got
lazy, it was sad, didn't do much, it won't ever happen again, we did do
one thing though... but, it MAY have involved food, so.. we went to
dinner at a members house, Sister Braxton, she be nice, Diego came along
(drove us) the Missionary friend guy. He really is a good guy, good
heart, kind man, just stupid.We had a discussion on the Word of Wisdom!
he won't listen till we find in the Bible DON'T drink coffee, the punk!
other then that, lame day.
long day, saw a shape shifter
BACK TO TUCKER!! MY FAVORITE!! This time, Elder Ashby was DETERMINED TO KILL ME! I'm still here, so I win!
SO.. I hate bikes, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. my knees are the
worst, so the burning pain of peddling is almost unbearable, and Im pretty sure elder Ashby does not know how to NOT peddle. He just keeps
going. Something I am incapable of doing. So yeah, the bike rides are
the pits. So last time I told you all about how AWFUL the ride to tucker
is, it only got worse this time, mostly cause elder Ashby set up appointments to work out so we has to go all over tucker like three
times!! could have made things easier by just making so we didn't ever
have to back track! also, he is CRAZY! and set it up so it would be DARK
by the time we started our horrifying journey home. so from now on, I
make the rules when we go to tucker, cause I do LOVE tucker, its always
well worth it.
I think I died... um, Ashby fell off his bike, funniest thing ever!
we were going along on this road that's not a road, mostly grass and
weeds, and holes... and he was CRUISING! I was like "slow down gosh, your
gonna kill us!" I sadly said this to myself while looking down, and
when I looked up, NO ELDER ASHBY! he and his bike where on the GROUND! I
must have looked up just as he hit the ground, mad I missed it. that
thing bucked him too! He was like 5 feet from his bike! IT WAS AWESOME!
as I was laughing harder then I had in weeks, I noticed that he was in
some kind of pain, (serves him right! making me bike all over the place
like that) he hurt his wrist pretty bad, so I stopped laughing, but only
on the outside, and only for a short time, I couldn't hold it in, that
just made it even more funny.
We saw Errol, the guy I called arow, yeah, got his name wrong. He and his son were there, the daughter was not! lame! but THEY both committed to be BAPTIZED! YEAH! THAT'S TWO CASEY! EAT IT! so now we have 3
with dates, and I didn't get here with one already HAVING A DATE! I
think I'm winning.
Then we biked home! (after going miles out of the way to another
house only to find that THERE WAS NO ONE THERE!!) in the dark.. pure.
dark! deep, thick, woods to either side, NOISES! of every kind coming
from every which direction! AND we were just told that those woods DO
have black panthers in them, AND BEARS! but mostly wild crazy dogs, BUT
seeing as how I am FEARLESS! (though not with snakes, we did see one
that day, about passed out do to pure fear... peed a little.. BUT OTHER
THEN THAT FEARLESS!) I was fine, even though I could not see the road at
ALL! unless of course there was a speeding car hurdling towards us with
no respect for human life! in fact, one got so close that I was inclined
GENTILE!" but yet again, I was un phased, nothing can get me! (other than
snakes, they are the devils pets) so in the end, that was quite the
DAY 5!
this, was kinda a sad day, it was weird, also, did a lot of biking, so that's always a sure fire way to make me want to die!
anyways, we had like 5 appointments, all fell through, LAME! also,
Elder Ashby's bike tire blew up.. like, blew up, its was crazy, those poor
old ladies that we were right next to, one of them might be dead.
so we got that all fixed up, cause i'm a McGyver! (or how ever you
spell that) yep, I fixed it right up, with nothing but paper clips, an
old shoe, and an extra tube from wal-mart, good stuff.
we did meet with this lady, Deirdre. she seems interested, but she is KINDA crazy, so we'll see how that goes, that was that day!
Crazy day, I'll start with the end of the day, cause the rest.. is. well, you'll see,
OK so, Richard Jones, he is getting Baptized on the 2nd, it's cool,
we met with him, and some of his family, he lives in this like,
compound, there are like 3 houses and 20 some people, a bunch of dogs and
cats, and a mentally unstable horse.. so yeah, his mom is a member, his
wife is a member, but I think that's it, the rest are not. BUT HE WILL
BE! YAY! his daughter, Emily will be also, one day, its good stuff.
NOW FOR THE CRAZY!! we got this call sometime last week for a referral ! that's cool! cause those don't happen much, BUT LITTLE DID WE
KNOW! so, we were sent to this place in a town called louisville (you'll
notice that most the towns in Mississippi are just stolen from REAL
cities in other states) anyways, it turns out that this place was a hospital of sorts, like, some kind of troubled teen place, THE KIND JASON
WORKED AT! only, I think for more crazy people. um, we met this kid,
Will, all seemed norm, all was going fine, then, he pulled out the big
guns, the real reason we were seeing him, stuff straight out of a horror movie! FOR REALS! like, it all started out
like just another ghost story, no big deal, then things got real, so
pretty much he saw, and spoke to.. well. a demon, yeah, for reals, it
told him that he wanted to be friends, but THEN told him to kill his
family, and that there was no God, but this kid is a BOSS and was like
NO! you're stupid, i'm not going to do that, and there IS a God, and you're a
bad guy! but, that didn't stop the thing from being evil, I think at
one point he was some kind of possessed, and tried to stab someone,
doesn't remember any of it, and that's why he's in this place, ANYWAYS!
it was all so very real, no doubt he was telling the truth. It sent
chills down my whole body. we have arranged for the house to be blessed,
(it's not in our mission) and we also gave him a blessing on sunday, so,
yeah, that was nuts, and that night, was kinda sleepless, there IS EVIL
AFOOT FRIENDS! be careful, this whole thing can be traced back to a ouiji
board, no surprise, so stay away from things that invite evil! cause, it
will come!
yay, I love sunday, gave a talk, that was fun, Elder Ashby and I
were asked to go talk to the young women, about dating.. and such, I
really thought that would be weird, turns out there are all of two of
them, and they are sisters, and the reason they asked us to come is
cause they were supposed to have the young men come in so they could all
asked questions and such, but they have no young men, so it was UP TO
US! I, being an expert is such things, taught them all they need to
Emily, Richard's daughter, brought her friend to church, it was cool!
In the end, another great, crazy, painful, slightly creepy week,
let Camcamian fill your life!
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