week, could have ended me.. TWI.. AHH!! sorry, some guy just came up
behind me at random, one of our many less actives, he said he would see
me sunday, so thats cool! anyhow where was I, CE! well not really, I
could have just died the whole week, lets find out why!
by the way, if you decied you only want to read from one day, make it day six, cause, its crazy!
Pday, this was the day I sent my last EMAIL!! YAY!! other than that
we did do some work. We met with these two kids, Chris and Cody. They
are good kids, they have a lot to learn and a long ways to go, but we
will keep on them. That's really all from Monday
DAY 2!
This was a quote straight from my journal, or as I like to call it,
'the book of camcam' "well, crap day" YEP! it sure was, we, KINDA got
lazy, it was sad, didn't do much, it won't ever happen again, we did do
one thing though... but, it MAY have involved food, so.. we went to
dinner at a members house, Sister Braxton, she be nice, Diego came along
(drove us) the Missionary friend guy. He really is a good guy, good
heart, kind man, just stupid.We had a discussion on the Word of Wisdom!
he won't listen till we find in the Bible DON'T drink coffee, the punk!
other then that, lame day.
long day, saw a shape shifter
BACK TO TUCKER!! MY FAVORITE!! This time, Elder Ashby was DETERMINED TO KILL ME! I'm still here, so I win!
SO.. I hate bikes, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. my knees are the
worst, so the burning pain of peddling is almost unbearable, and Im pretty sure elder Ashby does not know how to NOT peddle. He just keeps
going. Something I am incapable of doing. So yeah, the bike rides are
the pits. So last time I told you all about how AWFUL the ride to tucker
is, it only got worse this time, mostly cause elder Ashby set up appointments to work out so we has to go all over tucker like three
times!! could have made things easier by just making so we didn't ever
have to back track! also, he is CRAZY! and set it up so it would be DARK
by the time we started our horrifying journey home. so from now on, I
make the rules when we go to tucker, cause I do LOVE tucker, its always
well worth it.
I think I died... um, Ashby fell off his bike, funniest thing ever!
we were going along on this road that's not a road, mostly grass and
weeds, and holes... and he was CRUISING! I was like "slow down gosh, your
gonna kill us!" I sadly said this to myself while looking down, and
when I looked up, NO ELDER ASHBY! he and his bike where on the GROUND! I
must have looked up just as he hit the ground, mad I missed it. that
thing bucked him too! He was like 5 feet from his bike! IT WAS AWESOME!
as I was laughing harder then I had in weeks, I noticed that he was in
some kind of pain, (serves him right! making me bike all over the place
like that) he hurt his wrist pretty bad, so I stopped laughing, but only
on the outside, and only for a short time, I couldn't hold it in, that
just made it even more funny.
We saw Errol, the guy I called arow, yeah, got his name wrong. He and his son were there, the daughter was not! lame! but THEY both committed to be BAPTIZED! YEAH! THAT'S TWO CASEY! EAT IT! so now we have 3
with dates, and I didn't get here with one already HAVING A DATE! I
think I'm winning.
Then we biked home! (after going miles out of the way to another
house only to find that THERE WAS NO ONE THERE!!) in the dark.. pure.
dark! deep, thick, woods to either side, NOISES! of every kind coming
from every which direction! AND we were just told that those woods DO
have black panthers in them, AND BEARS! but mostly wild crazy dogs, BUT
seeing as how I am FEARLESS! (though not with snakes, we did see one
that day, about passed out do to pure fear... peed a little.. BUT OTHER
THEN THAT FEARLESS!) I was fine, even though I could not see the road at
ALL! unless of course there was a speeding car hurdling towards us with
no respect for human life! in fact, one got so close that I was inclined
GENTILE!" but yet again, I was un phased, nothing can get me! (other than
snakes, they are the devils pets) so in the end, that was quite the
DAY 5!
this, was kinda a sad day, it was weird, also, did a lot of biking, so that's always a sure fire way to make me want to die!
anyways, we had like 5 appointments, all fell through, LAME! also,
Elder Ashby's bike tire blew up.. like, blew up, its was crazy, those poor
old ladies that we were right next to, one of them might be dead.
so we got that all fixed up, cause i'm a McGyver! (or how ever you
spell that) yep, I fixed it right up, with nothing but paper clips, an
old shoe, and an extra tube from wal-mart, good stuff.
we did meet with this lady, Deirdre. she seems interested, but she is KINDA crazy, so we'll see how that goes, that was that day!
Crazy day, I'll start with the end of the day, cause the rest.. is. well, you'll see,
OK so, Richard Jones, he is getting Baptized on the 2nd, it's cool,
we met with him, and some of his family, he lives in this like,
compound, there are like 3 houses and 20 some people, a bunch of dogs and
cats, and a mentally unstable horse.. so yeah, his mom is a member, his
wife is a member, but I think that's it, the rest are not. BUT HE WILL
BE! YAY! his daughter, Emily will be also, one day, its good stuff.
NOW FOR THE CRAZY!! we got this call sometime last week for a referral ! that's cool! cause those don't happen much, BUT LITTLE DID WE
KNOW! so, we were sent to this place in a town called louisville (you'll
notice that most the towns in Mississippi are just stolen from REAL
cities in other states) anyways, it turns out that this place was a hospital of sorts, like, some kind of troubled teen place, THE KIND JASON
WORKED AT! only, I think for more crazy people. um, we met this kid,
Will, all seemed norm, all was going fine, then, he pulled out the big
guns, the real reason we were seeing him, stuff straight out of a horror movie! FOR REALS! like, it all started out
like just another ghost story, no big deal, then things got real, so
pretty much he saw, and spoke to.. well. a demon, yeah, for reals, it
told him that he wanted to be friends, but THEN told him to kill his
family, and that there was no God, but this kid is a BOSS and was like
NO! you're stupid, i'm not going to do that, and there IS a God, and you're a
bad guy! but, that didn't stop the thing from being evil, I think at
one point he was some kind of possessed, and tried to stab someone,
doesn't remember any of it, and that's why he's in this place, ANYWAYS!
it was all so very real, no doubt he was telling the truth. It sent
chills down my whole body. we have arranged for the house to be blessed,
(it's not in our mission) and we also gave him a blessing on sunday, so,
yeah, that was nuts, and that night, was kinda sleepless, there IS EVIL
AFOOT FRIENDS! be careful, this whole thing can be traced back to a ouiji
board, no surprise, so stay away from things that invite evil! cause, it
will come!
yay, I love sunday, gave a talk, that was fun, Elder Ashby and I
were asked to go talk to the young women, about dating.. and such, I
really thought that would be weird, turns out there are all of two of
them, and they are sisters, and the reason they asked us to come is
cause they were supposed to have the young men come in so they could all
asked questions and such, but they have no young men, so it was UP TO
US! I, being an expert is such things, taught them all they need to
Emily, Richard's daughter, brought her friend to church, it was cool!
In the end, another great, crazy, painful, slightly creepy week,
let Camcamian fill your life!
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