Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 29

after a crazy week of almost death, this week... not much better!
we are just a chillin and BOOM nado sirens! AGAIN! this time no tree came down, and we still lived so all is well!
THE NEXT DAY!! I found a lady that wanted her name taken of the roles and such, so... I have now sent a soul away from the light!
I also almost got ranned over by a car!
and talked to the most hick man of all time!
We made a crazy trap for the mouse that haunts my dreams!
INTERVIEWS! it was fun, got to meet with pres and all that, also almost died that day, cause some people can't drive!
I shall tell a bit of a story.  So, when I was transferred all kinds of a long time ago, I left my GPS is the Phily car, no worries I would just get it the next time the APs came around! RIGHT!? wrong, that was Zone con, which was like 7 weeks ago, I still don't have it, and it seemed no one knew where it was, well, after some detective work, I was told that some punk, named Elder Dean, owed another PUNK!!! named Elder Whatcot, a favor  so, he GAVE HIM MY GPS!! HOW EITHER OF THEM THOUGHT THAT WAS OK! I will NEVER know! so, I'm getting it back now, but both of them will be on my hit list forevermore!
Saw some folks and other such things, some new people, good stuff,
Sunday, same as most Sundays, only we met with someone we had been trying to meet with for WEEKS! it went well!
Elder CamCam Martin!

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