Monday, March 4, 2013

Week 32

We all know I got a new guy, what you don't know.. I think.. is that it took a little longer then it should have

So we went to Monroe, and then found out that some flight was canceled so tday would be moved back a day, now we have no idea what to do, so we just stuck around all day, cause, no way we could drive back, anyway, that's really all, it was just kinda a pain, I did get him, just took a day longer, 
I also rolled my ankle pretty bad playing basketball, though, the top of my foot is the only thing that still hurts, odd kinda,

SO with the new guy all we have really done is bike and more bike, its been all kinds of painful, both for my knees and my foot, but it needed to be done, I'm more or less showing him the town.. while trying to figure it out myself, its almost like we are white washing, only not as bad,

ANYHOW, its been warm.. my WHOLE dist is full of nerds! ha, its like the big bang show minus the Indian guy. and I'm the hot chick! 

well, I don't really have a whole lot to report this week, its been a long week, and I am very tiered, so I bid you all.. good bye..

Elder CamCam Martin 

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