Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 58

WELP! Week one of the first transfer with nothing but SISTERS!! is over, and it went mostly well, I like most of them, so that's good! 

Because Sisters are too perfect to ever have to ride a bike! We don't really have a car anymore, and its not been easy, cause we can't ride with the sisters, we have had to bike to meal appointments, miss some, and really all we do now is bike, ahhh privileged problems.. 

So for the amount of tacting we do here, there are not any cool stories that come from it, it is a very different experience down in these parts.

We did talk to one lady while tracting this week that said she watches BYU TV all the time, I was like Huh? Then WHY ARE YOU NOT A MEMBER!? So there could be something there, 

Really all the other people that actually talked to us, came to us! So that's been cool, talked to some kids in wal-mart, and while we were biking back from a meal appointment some guy flagged us down and we had a good convo with him, but all them, like really everyone down here made the statement.
"Well, as long as you believe in Christ is doesn't matter what church you go to!" I have found that MOST the people down here (other then Catholics and J-dubs) don't really believe that the church they go to is the one true church! They just know for a fact that the Mormons are wrong! haha, good stuff.

Sunday was good, the relief society had some big thing so all the women went to that for 3rd hour, and we along with the Elders went and helped with the primary, Oh how those kinds love Elder Martin! It was a good time, All the other guys sat off to the side, but I was right in there with all the primary! HA! I even got to lead them in a few songs. 

There were an abnormal amount of  investigators there too, and what a weird day for them to come, first, in sacrament we sang "In Our Lovely Deseret" Worst song EVER! And for some reason the southerners LOVE IT!!! This is the second time they have done it in this ward alone! I HAVE ONLY BEEN HERE 7 WEEKS! Anyway, and then for the men that came they went to the primary with us, so yeah, weird day for them I'm sure.

Anyhow, I hope this much longer then the OTHER Elder Martins letter was a good one!
Elder CamCam Martin!    

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